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Your Jamb score is allocated 50%, O level is 20%
and post-ume is 30%.
Maximum score under JAMB is 400.To prorate to
50% your Jamb score will be divided by 8
O level is calculated using the 5 core subjects
(core to the course you wish to study as decided
by the University) as follows
Maximum is 30 p0ints The total points is then
prorated to 20 through multiplication by 2/3.
Here is the score many candidates seem to find
rather confusing. Some complain of having a
higher score in the POST-UTME than university
cut-off points without being admitted.What they
must understand is that even if they score 100% in
that exam it amounts only to 30% of the cut-off
point. So their Post -Utme score is usually
prorated to 30 marks using 0.3 as the multiplier
Example: a candidate had 202 in Jamb and his O
level goes thus. Maths-B3, Chemistry-C4, Biology-
B2, English-C5, Physics-C6, Economic-B3,
Geography-A1 and had 58% in the post utme.
To calculate his composite, this is how it’s done.
Jamb score divided by 8 i.e 202/8=25.25
For the O level, only 5 subjects (math, english,
chemistry, biology, and physics) are needed. There
he has Math-B3-4points,English-
B2-5points, Physics-C6-1point
Total gross points for O level= 4+2+3+5+1=15.
This score is then multiplied by 2/3 i.e 15 x
His post utme score is allocated 30% and is
multiplied by 0.3. i.e 58 x 0.3=17.4
Therefore, the candidates’ composite is the sum
of these 3 scores i.e Jamb+O’level+post utme.
That is 25.25+10+17.4=5 2.65 Hence, the
candidate’s composite is 52.65.
Now note the 5-point gap between the composite
total and what he scored in the post-utme.That 5-
point gap may result in not being granted
admission! Okay?
2016-05-30 02:20 · (0)

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