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* simplyolat Show Random Profile
Picture in Wapka

Hi, in this tutorial you will
learn how to show
random profile picture in
wapka, this tutorial is
very easy and can be
completed in minutes.

You will be able to add
profile pictures or in other
words avatars to your
homepage or any other
page in your free wapka

So, lets make one wapka
code for you.. Jus do the
following steps to have
the wonderful code in
your hands br />

1.Login to your free
wapka site

2.Goto Admin mode

3.Goto page where you
want to add the code

4.Add the following code
via ES > WML/xHRML code

:userstats:d=ru, l=1,
::<img src="%urlpicture
%"/>:: userstats br />

Copy code

In above code change 'X'
with starting point e.g. 1
or 2 or 3
change 'Y' with end point
e.g. 150, 250 etc (depends
on your choice)
5.For example br />
end: ::<img
userstats br />

it will display profile
picture of first 100 users

6.Note: always select 'Y'
less than total count of
user, for example: if
you've 100 total users
than 'Y' should be 100 or
less than 100
2016-02-11 12:18 · (0)

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